Paralegal Resource Center, founded by Shelley G. Widoff, specializes in
Whether you are an experienced paralegal looking for the best career guidance or an employer seeking the best candidate with specialized skills, you need a paralegal search consultant who has the knowledge and the experience in the field who can speak your language.                   

Take advantage of the decades of success Shelley can offer you. In 1985, she established the first paralegal services office at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston with a vision that has not waivered to this day:

    Some Foresight from our Founder:

"As a pioneer in the industry, I understood the pressures incumbent upon professionals working in a legal environment; the emphasis that's placed on competence, thoroughness, accuracy, and meeting priority deadlines.  I realized early on, that what lawyers and paralegals needed was a single reliable source; a paralegal resource center staffed by experienced professionals who share the common discipline of effectively managing the day to day demands placed upon them.  What has evolved at Paralegal Resource Center is a fully capable and knowledgeable paralegal placement and service firm dedicated to its candidates and clients:  law firms, corporations and financial institutions.  Now that's something truly unique!" -Shelley G. Widoff, May, 1985